Religious Education at Bramley Oak Academy


At Bramley Oak Academy, our Religious Education curriculum:

  • Harnesses children’s natural curiosity in the world around them
  • Fosters a love of learning through engaging and meaningful lessons
  • Equips students with the appropriate knowledge and understanding of the world’s largest religions and how they shape their followers’ values, beliefs and ways of life
  • Prepares students to be culturally, spiritually and morally aware, respectful and well-rounded world citizens


At Bramley Oak Academy students will progressively study the core beliefs, traditions, values and customs of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism and Buddhism. This includes:

  • Multisensory and immersive learning experiences that are meaningful and contextual for students to ensure high levels of engagement and learning. This includes the use of art, music, cookery, artefacts, storytelling, theatre and a range of technology.
  • Allowing students to access the lesson content and to show their learning in a range of ways in line with their EHCPs and Special Educational Needs.
  • Teaching students how to ask and answer questions that encourage them to think critically about religion and its impact on the world.
  • Half termly RE Days which immerse students in the learning.
  • Continuously building on prior knowledge and utilising opportunities for retrieval and repetition.
  • Clear learning intentions taught in small, manageable steps to reduce cognitive overload.
  • Adaptations that take into consideration differing abilities in reading, writing and Maths and remove these as barriers.


The impact of our well adapted RE curriculum is that all students are able to access an education in the world’s largest religions during their time at Bramley Oak Academy. Teachers feel confident and skilled at planning and delivering a Religious Education in a way that is well suited and adapted to our learners.