Please click the links below to view our curriculum overviews and subject breakdowns.
Curriculum Overviews 2024-2025
Rowan Class | Blackthorn Class | Elder Class |
Elm Class | Juniper Class | |
Willow Class | Maple Class |
Curriculum Subject Breakdown 2024-2025
Art and Design | Computing | English, Phonics and Reading |
Maths | Physical Education | PSHE |
RE | Science | Music |
At Bramley Oak Academy, we want every pupil to be inspired by their love of reading and writing and equipped with the skills necessary to clearly express their thoughts, feelings and ideas in speaking and writing. We aim to consistently revisit and review prior knowledge and provide opportunities for pupils to practice skills to ensure they are securely embedded and that pupils are engaged and curious about their next English lesson.
The teaching of all aspects of English is a priority across the curriculum. We promote speaking and listening opportunities so that pupils build their confidence in basic language skills to enable them to communicate effectively, preparing them for their future journey through education and beyond. A language-rich environment enables the children to access all areas of the school curriculum through a specialist understanding of vocabulary in each subject area.
Our English curriculum ensures explicit teaching of *spelling, grammar and handwriting so that children leave Bramley Oak Academy with a legible and consistent handwriting style, the ability to spell more confidently, able to make phonetically plausible attempts at new words and able to use grammar techniques to enhance their writing.
Our intentions:
- To ensure that every child becomes a reader, writer, and confident speaker.
- To inspire in each child a love of language, reading, writing, and high-quality literature.
- To provide an English Curriculum that is sequenced progressively and cumulatively to develop the acquisition of knowledge and skills.
Our English Curriculum is packed with high quality books to engage all pupils; provide rich, memorable learning experiences and creative approaches. It is progressive, but mindful of previously acquired skills, as well as gaps in learning. We use the Power of Reading (PoR) developed by the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE) to support our planning, which places literature at the heart of the learning and is built on many years of research and best practice. This approach develops reading comprehension, writing composition, development in vocabulary and language, and fosters a whole school love of reading and writing. English units of work last between 1 and 2 weeks and are centred on a high quality text. Pupils are given the opportunity to practice writing in a variety of fiction and non-fiction genres across the year and this spiral approach to writing means children revisit learning, including grammar, which in turn builds their confidence and fills their gaps in understanding.
Our curriculum has a common thread of high-quality vocabulary. We introduce key vocabulary throughout the week in each subject area, when appropriate, which supports their language development. These words are shared in advance through our half termly curriculum maps which are sent home at the start of term. Specifically in English, the vocabulary chosen links to the genre of writing or the text being studied. This then further supports each child’s reading and writing progression and understanding. Any language gaps identified, or language needs and disorders stated in a pupil’s Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are support through a range of strategies and approaches across the school. These needs are supported by 1:1 SALT intervention, specific teaching of vocabulary, the use of success criteria to break down steps and expectations into smaller manageable instructions, movement breaks, the management of cognitive load, over learning and interleaved learning for success and building confidence.
We teach Grammar discreetly at the start of English lessons for our pupils to develop their knowledge and vocabulary. This grammar teaching links to the genre of writing being studied as well as gaps in children’s understanding shown during formative assessment. The learning for this is then incorporated within the English lesson which follows, by modelling its use when discussing the genre of writing and the model text. This is to give our pupils the opportunity to practise their skills in a meaningful and contextualised way.
Spoken language is of high importance so that children leave Bramley Oak Academy being able to verbalise their ideas, opinions and feelings confidently. To develop speaking and listening, we use a range of forms included in the PoR scheme. This takes many forms, such as drama, balanced arguments (debate) and performance (for example, when studying poetry or when studying different aspects of History).
Handwriting is taught explicitly each day at Bramley Oak Academy, using the Nelson handwriting scheme. When a child joins Bramley Oak Academy, their handwriting is formatively assessed so that they are accurately supported in their letter formation development and/or their joined handwriting style. Writing resources used across the curriculum have been chosen to further support their handwriting development in each subject.
*Spelling will be taught using the RWI Spelling scheme from September 2023. Explicit spelling teaching will be given to those pupils who are accessing the Accelerated Reader scheme of Reading, including common exception words and spelling rules linking to their academic ability. Pupils accessing the RWI Phonics scheme are taught spelling during their discrete phonics sessions each day.
The pupils at Bramley Oak Academy are empowered with the confidence in their English understanding and the application of their skill. Pupils are able to express their thinking clearly using correct grammatical knowledge and clear handwriting and correct spelling. By focusing on spoken language they can articulate themselves clearly and this supports their ability to formulate opinions, confidently discuss, question and explore literature and texts. This we believe will have life changing impact on their future successes.
At Bramley Oak Academy we want our pupil to be enthused and empowered by mathematics; to see the value and importance of it and be able to apply it in our everyday world. We aim for our pupils to be confident mathematicians who are fluent in recall of number facts and mathematical procedures. To be able to understand concepts which allow them to reason and problem solve in a range of contexts using mathematical vocabulary. To develop a love of mathematics by giving them the opportunity to develop perseverance and a positive mind-set leading to resilient learners where they embrace challenge and have confidence to use the mathematical knowledge and skills they have learned.
At Bramley Oak, we continue to adapt our curriculum with the principles of teaching and pedagogy and our pupils at the forefront of our minds. We follow the White Rose Maths scheme and have adopted the Yorkshire Maths Hub scheme of learning for mixed age teaching. This enables us to successfully link topics and offer all pupils the opportunity to learn, revise, embed and challenge concepts. We understand that our pupils need maximum opportunities to overlearn and so our adapted scheme gives them this time. We break down areas of the mathematics curriculum so that there are occasions for going back to prior topics, this means that pupil who have secured their understanding in a particular year are exposed to and are working at an appropriate level to challenge and maintain progress. All year groups work within the same Maths topic so that pupil do not miss opportunities as they make progress.
Maths lessons are adapted by teachers to give adequate time for retrieval practise of prior learning, opportunity for practising fluency through show-me boards, concrete manipulative work, and pictorial representations, think-bounce-pounce questioning, maths talk (with mathematical vocabulary modelled), deliberate mistakes and common misconceptions. This gives pupil’s confidence in their skills to process and embed knowledge and skills. Pupils are provided time to deliberately practise these skills with minimal variation to ensure understanding. Each child has exposure to reasoning and problem solving opportunities in their Maths lessons.
Teachers have a clear knowledge and understanding of each child in their class and are able to adapt and offer support, scaffolding and challenge as appropriate. In order to engage our pupils and help them understand maths in their everyday world, we plan practical and immersive activities which complement our curriculum and give pupil the confidence to apply their learning in practically and tangibly.
Opportunities for retrieval are built into the school. One-to-one interventions are conducted with pupil, chosen according to summative assessment, in carefully planned and focussed interventions with the Intervention Team; ensuring that pupil do not fall through the gaps and continue to make progress and attain in their learning. Pupil are assessed using both formative and summative methods. In each and every lesson, teachers use their expertise in questioning, feedback and low stakes activities (such as exit cards) to assess a child’s understanding and as a result; teaching is adapted to scaffold or challenge moving forward. Feedback is given in the moment.
Pupils at Bramley Oak Academy are able to use a range of strategies and resources to support their learning and make good progress from their individual starting points; closing the gaps in their learning and pushing forward in their attainment. Bramley Oak learners will be confident in their abilities, resilient and receptive to challenge in their learning and develop their self-esteem in their ability and attitude towards mathematics and their wider school experience.
At Bramley Oak we know that physical activity has a positive impact on children’s mental well-being as well as their physical health and this has a positive impact on their academic achievements. Pupils who are happy and healthy will find learning easier, be able to concentrate better, have more energy, and because of this, PE and extra-curricular sports clubs is held in high regard at Bramley Oak Academy.
Our PE curriculum is thoughtfully planned and delivered to ensure that every pupil develops the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to succeed and enjoy taking part. Through our PE lessons, pupils will learn how physical activity can help them to stay healthy and they also learn what healthy means. We aim for our pupils to develop the lifelong skills and enjoyment of physical activity, sport, and games so that they can live a healthy and active life, both now and in the future.
Pupils are taught once a week in class groups, the key skills needed and given plenty of opportunities to practice and enjoy taking part in a wide range of sports throughout the year, including football, basketball, swimming, tennis, athletics, gymnastics and cricket.
Our PE curriculum provides pupils with opportunities to explore the fundamental skills of movement, balance, coordination and agility. Lessons are carefully adapted to provide the right level of challenge for all pupils and enable all pupils to fully participate, make good progress whilst enjoying developing new skills. We use Complete PE as a foundation for our planning. This is then thoughtfully adapted and personalised for each class. This programme supports our pupils as they are able to access and watch tutorial mini clips of children demonstrating skills before the key learning message is adapted and modelled by staff, supporting pupils in their confidence to have a go and try new things.
We endeavour to reinforce our core values of WORLD through our teaching of PE as pupils are encouraged and supported to Work together and be Optimistic as they develop their resilience and self-regulation, particularly when learning to deal with competition in a healthy way. We support our pupils to be creative, work collaboratively and be competitive in order that they take measured risks and challenge themselves to achieve their goals. In this way, we equally celebrate individual success and teamwork, endeavour, and achievement.
Pupils are provided with competitive opportunities throughout the year in PE lessons and our end of year Sports Day, which is supported by parents. Throughout the year we take part in a range of activities to enhance our PE curriculum, including climbing at Craggy Island, swimming, football and basketball clubs. This enhances strength and co-ordination enabling pupils to implement new skills whilst taking measured risk taking.
Pupils are able to develop skills and confidence in new sports whilst taking great pleasure in being physically active. PE helps our pupils develop an understanding of how to take part and be in a team, such that they can evaluate when they make a decision how it can best support the team. Our aim is for all children to leave Bramley Oak Academy with a genuine love of physical activity, and the knowledge that keeping their bodies and minds fit and healthy can have a big impact upon sense of self.
Curriculum Intent
At Bramley Oak, our PSHE education is a planned programme of learning though which pupils acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future as individuals. Our aim is for the pupils to develop an understanding of how their actions affect others, that people may behave differently and that they must demonstrate empathy for all, as well as the British Values of The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Respect and Tolerance. We want our pupils to be able to make healthy choices and take responsibility for their actions. This is embedded through our core values.
The PSHE curriculum is designed to increase our pupils’ self-confidence and aspirations by reflecting on the growth they have already made. By accessing PSHE they will be able to identify what makes them an individual, their strengths, skills, and abilities and how they can establish and maintain a healthy lifestyle and look after their physical and mental wellbeing. The new skills pupils learn will support them in developing their understating and empathy for others and self-regulation strategies within Bramley Oak and onto their next phase of education.
At Bramley oak we follow the SCARF progression produced by Coram Life Education. SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship) is a scheme of learning consisting of modules which run through the year and every class follows the same topic at the same time. These topics consist include, Me and My Relationships, Keeping Safe, Rights and Respect, Being my Best, Growing and Changing.
At the beginning of every topic, pupils complete a pre assessment which they will repeat at the end of the half term. This demonstrates the progress in the depth of understanding throughout the block of learning. Pupils capture their learning journey in their PSHE books or Tapestry, although the majority of the learning is about the experience, discussion and reflection.
The lessons use a variety of approaches such as role play, discussion, debate, and games. Key vocabulary is introduced in every lesson and supported by knowledge organisers, also containing key questions to enhance progress in this subject area. PSHE activities are designed to facilitate opportunities to develop confidence and resilience as well as communication and collaboration skills. Although we teach PSHE as a discreet subject, every pupil’s social and emotional development is intrinsic to our everyday communications and interactions. Relationships and Health Education (RHE) is an integral part of the Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) curriculum.
The impact of the curriculum can be demonstrated through pupils talking confidently about their learning experiences and values. Through carefully planned and resourced lessons, PSHE develops our pupils’ cultural capital by improving their knowledge, skills and attributes needed to protect and enhance their wellbeing. Through PSHE, pupils at Bramley Oak learn how to stay safe and healthy, build and maintain successful relationships and become active citizens, responsibly participating in the society around them. Pupils will have the opportunities to create personal understanding while exploring and challenging a range of ideas.