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At Bramley Oak Academy we want our pupil to be enthused and empowered by mathematics; to see the value and importance of it and be able to apply it in our everyday world. We aim for our pupils to be confident mathematicians who are fluent in recall of number facts and mathematical procedures. To be able to understand concepts which allow them to reason and problem solve in a range of contexts using mathematical vocabulary. To develop a love of mathematics by giving them the opportunity to develop perseverance and a positive mind-set leading to resilient learners where they embrace challenge and have confidence to use the mathematical knowledge and skills they have learned.


At Bramley Oak, we continue to adapt our curriculum with the principles of teaching and pedagogy and our pupils at the forefront of our minds. We follow the White Rose Maths scheme and have adopted the Yorkshire Maths Hub scheme of learning for mixed age teaching. This enables us to successfully link topics and offer all pupils the opportunity to learn, revise, embed and challenge concepts. We understand that our pupils need maximum opportunities to overlearn and so our adapted scheme gives them this time.  We break down areas of the mathematics curriculum so that there are occasions for going back to prior topics, this means that pupil who have secured their understanding in a particular year are exposed to and are working at an appropriate level to challenge and maintain progress. All year groups work within the same Maths topic so that pupil do not miss opportunities as they make progress.

Maths lessons are adapted by teachers to give adequate time for retrieval practise of prior learning, opportunity for practising fluency through show-me boards, concrete manipulative work, and pictorial representations, think-bounce-pounce questioning, maths talk (with mathematical vocabulary modelled), deliberate mistakes and common misconceptions. This gives pupil’s confidence in their skills to process and embed knowledge and skills. Pupils are provided time to deliberately practise these skills with minimal variation to ensure understanding. Each child has exposure to reasoning and problem solving opportunities in their Maths lessons.

Teachers have a clear knowledge and understanding of each child in their class and are able to adapt and offer support, scaffolding and challenge as appropriate. In order to engage our pupils and help them understand maths in their everyday world, we plan practical and immersive activities which complement our curriculum and give pupil the confidence to apply their learning in practically and tangibly.

Opportunities for retrieval are built into the school. One-to-one interventions are conducted with pupil, chosen according to summative assessment, in carefully planned and focussed interventions with the Intervention Team; ensuring that pupil do not fall through the gaps and continue to make progress and attain in their learning. Pupil are assessed using both formative and summative methods. In each and every lesson, teachers use their expertise in questioning, feedback and low stakes activities (such as exit cards) to assess a child’s understanding and as a result; teaching is adapted to scaffold or challenge moving forward. Feedback is given in the moment.


Pupils at Bramley Oak Academy are able to use a range of strategies and resources to support their learning and make good progress from their individual starting points; closing the gaps in their learning and pushing forward in their attainment. Bramley Oak learners will be confident in their abilities, resilient and receptive to challenge in their learning and develop their self-esteem in their ability and attitude towards mathematics and their wider school experience.